RECIPES: Miner’s mocha

This recipe is a Mystery Ranch conception of a drink the miners here on the claim in 1900 would have come up with. They had coffee, cocoa, spices, tinned milk and whiskey – we have tins and bottles as evidence for each of these items. And they had a lot of hard work to do in the cold. How could they not have put these ingredients together?



1 cup brewed coffee (80oz)

1 Tablespoon Girardelli cocoa powder

1 dash cinnamon

1-Tb sweetened condensed milk (to taste based on sweetness)

1-Tb evaporated milk (to taste for creaminess).

½ shot (or more!) bourbon whiskey (Cyrus Noble was the best whiskey in town in 1900.)


Combine all ingredients except whiskey in a pan and heat over stove or campfire until warm and well-blended. Remove from heat, pour into cups and add whiskey. Serve in small doses (this makes two servings) and repeat as needed to get through the day. 

We mix up a concoction of the two tinned milks and it keeps in the fridge for quite a long time.

You can also mix ingredients ahead of time and keep in the fridge to reheat. This keeps longer than a fresh milk-based beverage would and can last for up to a week.