MYSTERY RANCH PROJECT: wildlife pond conveRsion
Since the 1960’s, the pool at the Mystery Ranch has doubled as a wildlife watering hole, with caretakers making sure to leave a few inches of water in it year-round to support the animal populations that had grown to depend on it. When the pool no longer was able to hold water after decades of exposure to the extremes of the desert, and when years of prolonged drought made a reliable water source more important than ever, we decided to convert the pool into a wildlife pond. We continue to be inspired by local springs including Grapevine Canyon and Hiko Springs, as well as by the human and non-human guests that are already frequenting the pond (check out our Pond Cam to find out which critters have been spotted).
To bring the wildlife pond to life, many tons of decomposed granite, gravel, rock and sand were brought in by the tractor-load, as well as pond liners, boulders, branches (to help smaller animals navigate into and out of the pond) and plants generously donated by the Special Plants Nursery in Las Vegas. Riparian plants installed include cattails, tule, penstemon, yerba mansa and more. The native plant specialists at the Native Plant Nursery are continuing to collect seeds and specialists for including in this ongoing conversion.